Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Physiological thriller conventions music

Music/Sounds In Physiological Thrillers
Sounds and music are essential in films and tv shows as it represents the mood and sets the tone of the moment. Music is especially important as it can add suspense and put emphasis on certain things highlighting it to the audience, allowing the audience to understand whats happening or what is about to happen. We often associate certain music and sounds with certain feelings or tones which can allow the audience to see the full nature and meaning of the film. For example it wouldn't exactly work in a film or convey to the audience its meaning, if its a horror film and it had a happy pop music song over the top of someone walking down a scary/dark looking corridor or forest; all the music in this case would do, is it would draw the scary factor away from the film and ruin the atmosphere. Adding slow dark and more horror related music would allow the tone of this moment and all true feeling of the moment to be given successfully to the viewer. The music used in a psychological thriller film is especially important as it allows for tension and for the audience to feel unsettled, where the viewer is sitting on the edge of their seat in anticipation. This is done by building it up; an example of this would be music building  up more and more from starting off slow, and when something finally happens, the music reaches its highest point to imply the climax. Another example would be eerie music in the background of scenes. This is how physiological thriller films successfully convey the tone and feeling to the audience.
Image result for sound

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