Wednesday, 15 November 2017

BBFC certificate of film research

The BBFC is the British board of film classification and is what is responsible for the rating that films are given before being released at the cinema to inform views what the film will contain. Film's have 7 different types of age ratings: U, PG, 12A, 12,  15, 18 and R18. The BBFC's classification decision is all based on their guidelines that reflect current views on film regulation at the time of release. The Compliance Officers who help rate films look at issues such as discrimination, drugs, imitable behaviour, sex, violence and the way how it makes the audience feel when making a decision of what rating a film should be. However in some cases if they find films to be exceed these guidelines it can result in the cutting or even banning of films.

I plan that the film we are going to create is going to be a 15 age rating in terms of the BBFC's guidelines. This is particularly due to the dark tone that underlies over the whole film despite their being parts of comedy sprinkled throughout as the main character suffers with psychological torment in his whole life and this could very easily upset someone when they are watching the film. Also throughout certain parts of the film their is excessive violence shown during Thomas' daydreams in which he kills his boss, Vincent Clarke. This is obviously imitable behaviour as the way he kills him is realistic and graphic and could cause copycat behaviour is people of a young age watch this film. Overall I believe 15 is a fair age rating for the film with the content within it and appropriately shows what may upset viewers of this film. 

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