Friday, 10 November 2017

Restricted and Unrestricted Narrative - William Haines

Restricted Narrative

There are many ways to spot a film that follows along a Restricted Narrative, for example, if the film uses POV shots, that would be one aspect of a Restrictive Narrative.

A Restricted Narrative is where you know just as much as the character on screen. Restricted Narrative is something commonly seen in Horror films, or scenes which aim to build up suspense.

For example:

-The main character, let's say his name is Bob, walks along a corridor and then around a bend. To his surprise there is a man in a tank aiming at him.

We were also not aware that there was a military tank around the corner.

This is a Restricted Narrative.

Unrestricted Narrative

An Unrestricted Narrative, also know as an Omniscient Narrative, is where we as the viewer know more than the majority of the characters within the film.

For example, in the previous example we did not know that tank was there, so did the main character. But this time around, we are aware of the danger around the corner.

The film showing us that the danger is around the corner through shots cutting to it, revealing it. Instead of aiming for the surprise factor, tension and worry is added instead.

We know that Bob is completely oblivious to it, so we worry for his safety. It might even be to the extent that you scream at the cinema screen "Don't go around the corner, you dingus!".

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