The genre started to gain more popularity during the late 1990s as the film Fight Club (1999) was released. The film tells the story of an office worker looking to change his life and cure his emotional problems as well as his insomniac state. The film's unique portrayal of the character went down really well with the audiences with the film having been nominated for an Oscars as well as 32 other nominations.
In early 2000s, the film Memento was released, directed by Christoper Nolan. The film featured a very bizarre plot as it was split into two storylines separated by numerous flashbacks. In my opinion, I believe this is the poster film for the genre as it utilises the themes very uniquely and it's success was evident as it was nominated for 2 Oscars as well as 55 nominations.
To summarise, the genre psychological thriller began in the 1920s where it first started off with shock value. As the years went on, directors began incorporating different aspects into the genre such as mystery and drama. By the 2010s, psychological thrillers became one of the most popular sub genres of thriller, having mixed drama and mystery together to create unique storylines which entices audiences and making them wonder "What's going to happen next?".
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