Psychological Thriller is a genre that has a long history behind it. Successful films of this genre include hits such as 'Shutter Island' and 'Swan Lake'. These two films deal with emotions and mental health, which is something that we are tackling in our short film.
Psychological Thriller, as a genre, is prevalent more in book than in medias such as films. This is because as a genre, it is quite difficult to tackle.
One of the oldest Psychological Thrillers is the film 'Blackmail' (1929), directed by Alfred Hitchcock. It could be said that as an auter, a director, a writer, Alfred Hitchcock brought the genre in the medium of film.
However, there is a film which follows along the genre conventions of a Psychological Thriller that is older than 'Blackmail'. This film is called 'London After Midnight' released in 1927. Despite the name, this film was produced by an American company. The film was also developed by an American director caleld Tod Browning.
The genre has a long history, there are quite a few films which could be classified as Psychological Thrillers, there are roughly 1027 films. This is roughly calculated.
Number of released films by years. Wikipedia:
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