Monday, 15 January 2018

Viral Adverts Research

Viral Marketing Research
Viral marketing is advertisements which aim to spread the message of something very quickly and to a lot of different people. It is usually done through the internet, social media and websites. Users will pass on the marketing message to other sites and users, creating a potentially exponential growth in the message's visibility and effect.
There are three criteria for basic viral marketing; the messenger, the message and the environment.
An example for a viral advertisement would be the "Red Bull Space Jump" in October of 2012
Breaking three world records, Felix Baumgartner completed the iconic space jump for Red Bull in October 2012. The Mission Highlights video alone on Red Bull’s channel has over 37.4M views. This would be a good example of a viral advertisement because it was hyped up using social media and then the video was released on YouTube, which is a video sharing platform, which is also the 2nd most popular website on the internet according too "Alexa". This raised awareness because it got so many views and it reached out to millions of people. This was helpful for Red Bull as it was interesting for people because it wasn't just an advert telling people to buy Red Bull`s products, it was an advert provided and featuring Red Bull. In the advert it made sure that it reinforced the viewer with the knowledge that this was done by Red Bull. It was a iconic moment in human knowledge and engineering, jumping from space and it set records, so Red Bull made sure they were behind that for good branding and publicity, which will lead to more customers and brand loyalty.

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