Film Poster - Pulp Fiction
The Title - The title of the film on film posters are normally around the top of the poster in the centre. This is so it is easy to identify the film as it is a norm amongst film posters. The title is also usually bigger than all the other text on the poster to outline the title and to draw the audiences attention to that so they know that it is important. Another feature of titles on film posters is that the title will look a lot different too the other text on the website, for example: different font, different colours, different style, etc. In all features mentioned, this "Pulp Fiction" film poster has all of them. The title is located near the top and is in the centre, the title is a bright yellow and is the biggest piece of text on the entire poster. This all highlights the title to the audience, and also establishes clearly what the title of the film is on the poster.
Cast - These are the actors who feature within the film. These are usually a massive part of the film as this alone can draw people into watching the film as certain famous actors already have pre established fan bases that are just waiting to watch their favourite actor, act within the new film they are in. Having A list/ popular actors within films can also bring publicity to the film because news stations, magazines, news papers and the internet will be talking about the film because if the actors who play in it and also it being a new film. Along with this comes good advertisement because the film is then out there and is being talked about so more people will likely know about it first of all, and then see it. In film posters the way it is done is the actors who play in the film, only a handful will be chosen to be on the poster and the ones that do get chosen will be the main characters in the films actors and also the most "famous" actors within the film, to draw people into the film. On the example of Pulp Fiction, the main characters and also coincidently the most famous actors in the films, are at the top of the list of actors, so that the audience who will view the poser will see the names first, and will be drawn into the poster by this.
The Director - Sometimes on film posters the director will on the shown on the poster usually by saying something like: "A film by" or "Directed by". This is to give the director credit and also to draw in the audience as directors have a massive impact on the film and directors that have created good films in the past will have a reputation of a good director. In the case for Pulp Fiction, its director Quentin Tarantino is a well established director who had directed lots of films and has a good reputation in doing so. His name was added to the film poster of Pulp Fiction, under the title. The way it was done on the film poster was smart because you had the big Pulp Fiction yellow title, and then straight under it in a nice handwritten looking small black font it says "A Quentin Tarantino Film."
The Design - The design for the Pulp Fiction poster is themed as a old comic. It coveys this look of a comic in bad condition/ used. The way it shows us this is because it has random white lines meant to replicate creases and folds where the comic would look used. It pulls his off pretty well to give the aesthetic of a used comic, what also adds to this feel and reinforces the idea of it being a used comic is that in the mid left there is a price circle saying "10" so this isn't actually the rice of the film but is part of the used comic aesthetic purely because comic used to have prices on them.
The design of the poster is important because it allows the audience to get a feel of what the film is based around and the different things which will be included within the film. The Pulp Fiction poster has one of the main characters laid on the bed ( Uma Thurman) smoking a cigarette and there is a gun on the bed besides her. This will show the audience that the film will include sexualised women and will include element s of crime, mainly based on the gun, which is associated with crime, violence and murder.