Thursday, 28 September 2017

Personal Storyline


Film begins with the camera panning up from below a table to reveal a teenage boy sat at a table alone. The camera pans past his college badge that reads the name George Ranger. He looks very uncomfortable surrounded by many students in college. George is clearly panicking and isn't comfortable here as his eyes are drawn to everything around him such as phones, the clock and laptops. Suddenly his ear begins to bleed and he faints hitting the ground. The next shot we see George in a hospital being checked up on by a doctor, this is where it is established that George has suffered with these blackouts for the majority of his life yet this is the first time that his ear has ever bled and they can't seem to explain the cause of it. George always told them it was something to do with the technology surrounded by us, but the doctors told him it as ridiculous. They promptly decide to put him on some sort of tablets to see how goes and that he needs to take one whenever he feels a blackout coming.


The next day George is at college sat in a room with one other person just revising, he is sat in a dark corner of the room with no computers on but just alone in his own secluded area. When suddenly the huge screen at the front of the room comes on with a blaring light which gives him a sharp headache and he knows that he is going to pass out, he quickly pulls the tablets out of his bag and starts taking them. Again his ear begins to bleed. The screen cuts to black and the next thing we see is a George from a camera in the room, beating the other student in the room unconscious and severely hurt and then running out of the building. Nowhere to be found. We then see the aftermath of the damage done with teachers talking about the footage they have just watched, about to contact the police. We then cut to George's eyes opening.


As George rises we see him in an empty field, completely alone. He gets up and looks around very confused, at this time he feels his head and finds the dried blood. To his own shock he realises what he had done and discovers that he didn't out this time but instead just turned into a completely different person capable of committing a heinous deed such as what he did. In a complete moment of rage and guilt he throws all his belongings in the woods, pulls out the tablets and takes them all attempting to overdose. Yet all this does is causes his ears and eyes to bleed and an excruciating pain in his head, unable to take the pain he screams and opens his eyes where it is revealed that himself is staring back at him. This clone of George stares into his eyes, smiles and then begins to walk away just as George's eyes roll to the back of his head and he faints backwards into the ground. Showing the death of the good in George that this illness caused to happen.

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